
Named GP

From 1st April 2015 all practices in England are required by the Government under the terms of the latest GP contract, to allocate all patients (including children) a named accountable GP.

This excludes patients aged 75 and over who have already been allocated a named accountable GP. The named GP will take responsibility for the co-ordination of all appropriate services and ensure they are delivered where required to each of our patients.

The named GP is largely a role of supervision. It is important to stress this is purely an administrative exercise and does not affect the way we operate or your overall treatment and care.

'There is no condition within the regulations of the contract for you to see your named GP when you book an appointment, so you will still be able to see any of the doctors at the practice when you are unwell.

If you wish to know your named GP please contact the practice. If you do not wish to have a named accountable GP please notify the practice so that we can amend your records.